Are You Happy? 8 Questions that Can Transform Your Pursuit of Happiness

On our journey to increase personal happiness we often stop and ask ourselves questions.
Yes, people of faith do ask questions? We have many of the same questions everyone else has about who we are, how to succeed, and what practical steps we can take to make our daily lives better.
Questions help us get to know ourselves, overcome hidden obstacles, and direct our attention to conscious and unconscious beliefs that keep us stuck.
Despite our faith, sometimes we are stuck living the same day over and over again but wanting different results. At other times we are stuck because we can’t figure out what direction to take.
While we pray and seek God for the answers, we can also find God or get closer to God’s plan for our lives by asking the right questions and engaging in dialogue about them.
Here are 8 questions that might lead you to that ah ha moment and that next positive step in your life.
  1. What do I need to develop more clarity and a stronger sense of purpose and impact in the world?
  2. Why do I have feelings of sadness and isolation even though you have lots of friends and acquaintances?
  3. Could I benefit from a change in company, a more trusted circle of support that can help me reach my goals?
  4. Why do I get distracted easily, lacking focus, and letting priorities go unaddressed?
  5. What leads me to compare myself to others and think I am falling short?
  6. How can I create ample opportunities to try new things and fail in a safe, low-risk environment?
  7. What is the key to letting go of past micro-aggressions that make me feel undervalued and unappreciated?
  8. Can my unique skills and talents have more impact with the right guidance, encouragement and opportunities to develop them to the next level?
These questions are universal questions that speak to the drivers of American happiness, and we all grapple with them at some point in our lives.
We lean towards finding answers individually and often forget that there is incredible strength and wisdom in numbers.
Significant personal growth never happens in a bubble. Your ability to develop and stay healthy depends on opportunities to understand different experiences, evaluate other points of view, and try new activities in safe environments.
At FUMC we create the space for growth even if you are unsure about your faith or denomination. Come join us as we grapple with these questions together.


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