You Are Welcome Here

Sunday Service 10:30 AM


Together, we are part of something great.

You are invited into an ongoing relationship with God through the Church. Together, we are part of something great. Come join us!


Beginner Knitting SERIES STARTS SUNDAY Feb 11th

Participants will learn the basic knitting stitches and get a “knitting buddy.” Needles and yarn will be provided to take home. Direct your questions to Mark Nowotarski via the Knitting Circle option in our Contact Us form.

Lent Begins this month

Lent is a period of reflection leading up to Easter Sunday and lasts 40 days commemorating Jesus’ 40 days of fasting and temptation in the wilderness. By engaging in practices like fasting or giving up something, we confront personal challenges and focus on self-improvement.

Featured Event

Christmas Cantata

First United Methodist Church invites you to a special musical celebration of Advent, featuring First UMC’s Festival Choir & Brass

Who are you?

Tell us who you are and what you are interested in with our visitor and contact forms

First Fridays is a casual way to get to know our membership and other people of faith in our community.


Your FAITH Journey


Baptism is the sacrament of being initiated into Christ’s holy Church. Baptism marks the beginning of an intentional faith journey...


Christ our Lord invites to his table all who love Him, who earnestly repent of their sin, and who desire to live in peace with one another. We believe…


You are invited to become a member of the First United Methodist Church of Stamford. Membership is a willingness to commit…


The service of Christian marriage is a sacred covenant reflecting the Baptismal Covenant. A Christian wedding involves…


One of the blessings of the Christian faith and church community, is that we are not left alone when someone dies. We are sustained...



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