Our communications club explores ways to create engaging content and programming at FUMC church to meet the needs of both members and the greater Stamford community. If you are interested in joining the club, contact us via the contact form.

Sunday Service 10:30 AM
You are invited into an ongoing relationship with God through the Church. Together, we are part of something great. Come join us!
Our communications club explores ways to create engaging content and programming at FUMC church to meet the needs of both members and the greater Stamford community. If you are interested in joining the club, contact us via the contact form.
Jason L. Terry delights us with the gift of contemporary music every second Sunday at 10:30am.
If you are interested in donating, serving, or making casseroles for New Covenant House please use our contact form. For over 38 years we have been providing meals to our neighbors in need on a monthly basis. Please join us.
Complete our New Visitor Information form and help us get to know you. Check it out.
Review First United Methodist Church of Stamford on Google so we get found when people search for us! Please click this Google page link to give your review today! https://g.page/r/CRkVgy1bMrfhEAI/review
Ushers are the first to welcome people to worship on Sundays. We seek a few people to fill that role by providing bulletins as worshippers arrive, occasionally help serve Communion, and assist in the collection of the offering during the service. For more information, please contact Daniel Mac Dougall or the church office.
Please wear your name tag so that everyone can get to know you! Need a name tag? Write your name on the ‘Need A Name Tag’ sheet in the link on the table near the name tag display.
Please remember to download the Zelle app to give to the church. Zelle is used by most banks to do cash transfers. Add First United Methodist Church as an account and use the email [email protected]. Thank you!
Join us every Sunday following 10:30am worship service for coffee & snacks in the lounge. Hosts are needed! To host an upcoming Fellowship Hour, please use the sign-up sheet located in the link (main hallway) of the church.
A special service of remembrance for those grieving a loss during the holidays. Loss can be of a loved one, our health, our jobs, our way of life, and other losses that we might be experiencing.
Tell us who you are and what you are interested in with our visitor and contact forms
Baptism is the sacrament of being initiated into Christ’s holy Church. Baptism marks the beginning of an intentional faith journey...
Christ our Lord invites to his table all who love Him, who earnestly repent of their sin, and who desire to live in peace with one another. We believe…
You are invited to become a member of the First United Methodist Church of Stamford. Membership is a willingness to commit…
The service of Christian marriage is a sacred covenant reflecting the Baptismal Covenant. A Christian wedding involves…
One of the blessings of the Christian faith and church community, is that we are not left alone when someone dies. We are sustained...
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