Care & Prayer

If you have any prayer requests for Pastor David Piscatelli, please submit them here! Your prayer requests are held in confidence unless you specifically indicate they can be shared with our congregation.  This applies to those requests that are anonymous as well as those where you provide your name.

Feel free to pray for anything on your mind. Prayer connects us with God in all of our challenges and blessings. In prayer, we ask God to come alongside us to help and guide.

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    Care Giving Ministries

    Pastoral Care is available to anyone who seeks it. Please call the church office at 203-324-1323 to make an appointment with the pastor.

    Stephen Ministers are lay caregivers trained to give one-to-one Christian care to the bereaved, hospitalized, terminally ill, divorced, unemployed, and others facing a crisis or life challenge. Stephen ministers support pastoral care by offering continued, long-term care for people who need it.

    Prayer Ministry

    “I call on you, my God, for you will answer me; turn your ear to me and hear my prayer.” (Psalm 17:6)


    We ask for your hand in prayer to connect with Christ together. We pray for ourselves and one another. We have prayer groups available to anyone who is interested. Call the church office at 203-324-1323 for more information.


    You are more than welcome to join us at any one of our worship times, where you can take part in our worship and prayers. If you would like to send an anonyous prayer request, please call our office at 203-324-1323. This verbal prayer request will be sent directly to Pastor David Piscatelli.

    Prayer Shawl Ministry

    “The Spirit and the Bride say, “Come.” Let anyone who hears this say, “Come”        (Revelation 22:17)

    Do you enjoy knitting or crocheting? Everyone is welcome to our Prayer Shawl Ministry! Participants create shawls for the sick, those in need of a warm embrace, and newborns at local hospitals.  Bring your own materials or use ours.  Check our events calendar or use our contact us form for more details.