Missions & Outreach

Our Missions & Outreach provides financial and hands-on support for people in need in our community.

Financial Support

Through the generous member giving, we are able to provide financial support to local ministries, such as St. Luke’s Lifeworks, Bridgeport Rescue Mission and Habitat for Humanity. In addition, through special offerings of the United Methodist Church, we are able to respond to natural disasters, such as the earthquakes in Haiti and Japan.

Hands-on Support

Covenant to Care – We have committed to helping the Stamford Department of children and Families meet the needs of its clients. We respond to emergency requests for food and clothing, and provide school supplies, Christmas gifts, and holiday food baskets for children and families in need.

Prayer Shawl Ministry –  Do you enjoy knitting or crocheting?  Members of our Prayer Shawl group create shawls for the sick, or anyone in need of a warm embrace, and baby blankets for newborns at local hospitals.  Bring your own materials or use ours.  We meet the first and third Saturdays of the month in Room 25.

New Convenant House –  FUMC Stamford has been funding and delivering meals to New Covenant house every month for 38 years! We typically provide 7 large casserole trays of chicken tettrazini, salads, and iced tea for 100 people. We also volunteer as servers on one day each month.


If you’d like to support or join us, please contact Susan Garvey via the New Covenant option on our contact form. We are always looking for volunteers to donate and make casseroles.

Mission Trips

Biloxi Mission trip – for the past several years, a team has gone to Biloxi, Mississippi to help with the ongoing rebuilding of the area in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.

Commission on Children & Poverty – The Commission on Children and Poverty is dedicated to improving the lives of children in our community. CCP has provided services and funding to several Stamford organizations such as the Childcare Learning Center’s primary pre-school center in Stamford.

Redbird Mission Trip – youth and adults make the trip to Kentucky each summer to help with construction and household repairs for deserving families.