A first priority for every Christian is to remember that whatever we do for the least of God’s children, we do for God. It is in this spirit that we endeavor to Serve the least, that last, and the lost. It’s simple and challenging: love God, love God’s people.
Following Jesus means nurturing our relationship with God, and caring for the people God loves.
We reach out to those in need within our church, in the communities in and around Stamford, and people throughout the world with ministries adapted and adapting to be of the most real and sustainable impact.
Mission provides financial and hands-on support for people in need in the church, in the communities in and around Stamford, and throughout the world.
United Methodist Women, is one of the oldest and most effective missions organizations in the entire world, responding especially to the needs of women and children locally, nationally, and globally.
Caregiving is accomplished by the pastor, and by lay Stephens ministers who have been trained to care for people facing a crisis or life challenge.
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